Gary's Corner: your Mayoral newsletter

Aug 16 2022
Updated: Aug 16 2022

On August 10, 2022, Metro Vancouver announced a proposal for a new regional park on Bowen Island that includes day use and camping. This proposal allows for an opportunity to protect lands at Cape Roger Curtis for public use in perpetuity.

While this proposal is an exciting opportunity for many, we recognize that it also presents challenges and impacts to the residents of Bowen – many details need to be ironed out, in particular transportation.  The acquisition of the land is a private matter between Metro Vancouver Regional District and the private developer Cape on Bowen; however, the Municipality will be actively engaged in the park planning process, including land use rezoning that requires public engagement. 

Metro Vancouver is keenly aware of many of the potential impacts on island infrastructure and is deeply committed to a transparent, comprehensive planning and engagement process to ensure the proposed park serves the Bowen Island community, as well as residents of the region who wish to spend more time in nature. Access to the proposed park would focus on active transportation — like cycling and hiking — as well as public transportation and shuttles, and protection of this ecologically important area will be top of mind during development and operation. Crippen Regional Park is an example of Metro Vancouver’s park stewardship, and with responsible park management, problems like illegal camping could be mitigated. Similarly, the Municipality commits to keeping everyone informed as this project evolves and sharing the details of the planning process as they emerge.

The planning, approval and implementation for a regional park takes years, and we will work to ensure Bowen Island’s interests and your concerns are addressed.

Mayor Gary Ander

 If you would like to provide feedback in the meantime, please email